Have You Included Illinois State in your estate plan?

Documenting Your Bequest
Illinois State University alumni and friends regularly share with us that they have included the ISU in their estate plans. Many provide details about their intentions, in effect "documenting" their future gifts that will benefit Illinois State. Here are five good reasons you should consider documenting your intentions with ISU.
  1. Your Wish

  2. Documenting your intentions will help ensure your wishes are met. With respect to designating a specific purpose or establishing an endowment, we will review or provide specific language. It also allows us to keep you apprised of new programs or developments that may impact your charitable intention.

  3. Designating a Purpose

  4. If you have not yet designated a purpose, simply complete a statement of intent to present your wishes. We will confidentially keep copies of your bequest documents in our records for future reference.

  5. Inspire Others

  6. Estate gifts are a vital source of continuing support for the University. A robust planned giving pipeline inspires alumni and friends who have not yet shared their plans to follow in your footsteps. To date more than $85 million in estate commitments have been share with ISU.

  7. Appreciation

  8. Documenting your intentions will allow ISU to recognize you now for your future gift. Upon sharing your bequest intention, you will be enrolled as a member of the Heritage Society. If you wish, you may elect to decline membership. Additionally, you may remain anonymous and exclude your name from any donor listings.

  9. No Obligation

  10. By documenting your intentions, you are in no way entering into a legally binding agreement. You retain the flexibility to change your plans should your circumstances or priorities change. As a courtesy, we kindly ask that you notify us should you update your plans.

How To Document Your Bequest

To document your bequest, we request the following items be sent to the office of planned giving:

Completed statement of intent form and a copy of one of the following documents (if available):

____ portion of your will or trust document referencing Illinois State

____ portion of your beneficiary designation form with available pertinent plan information (plan type, name of account owner, plan administrator, most recent market value information, date)

Please contact us for specific bequest or endowment language. Our standard bequest language may be found on our website.

Documenting your bequest intention solidifies your commitment to Illinois State University and allows the University to plan for our bright future. Thank you!